The ESP32 is a perfect upgrade from the ESP8266 that has been so popular. In comparison, the ESP32 has way more GPIO, plenty of analog inputs, two analog outputs, multiple extra peripherals (like a spare UART), two cores so you don't have to yield to the WiFi manager, much higher-speed processor, etc. etc! We think that as the ESP32 gets traction, we'll see more people move to this chip exclusively, as it is so full-featured.charging. Its an ESP8266 WiFi module with all the extras you need, ready to rock!
- 240 MHz dual core Tensilica LX6 microcontroller with 600 DMIPS
- Integrated 520 KB SRAM
- Integrated 802.11b/g/n HT40 Wi-Fi transceiver, baseband, stack and LWIP
- Integrated dual mode Bluetooth (classic and BLE)
- 4 MByte flash include in the WROOM32 module
- On-board PCB antenna
- Ultra-low noise analog amplifier
- Hall sensor
- 10x capacitive touch interface
- 32 kHz crystal oscillator
- 3 x UARTs (only two are configured by default in the Feather Arduino IDE support, one UART is used for bootloading/debug)
- 3 x SPI (only one is configured by default in the Feather Arduino IDE support)
- 2 x I2C (only one is configured by default in the Feather Arduino IDE support)
- 12 x ADC input channels
- 2 x I2S Audio
- 2 x DAC
- PWM/timer input/output available on every GPIO pin
- OpenOCD debug interface with 32 kB TRAX buffer
- SDIO master/slave 50 MHz
- SD-card interface support