CNC Shield V3.51

Regular price $35.95

The CNC Shield makes it really simple to integrate CNC projects with the Arduino. You can add up to 4x A4988 stepper motor drivers to the CNC shield allowing for independent control of 4 bi-polar stepper motors. 


  • GRBL 0.8c compatible. 
  • 4-Axis support (X, Y, Z , A-Can duplicate X,Y,Z or do a full 4th axis with custom firmware using pins D12 and D13)
  • 2 x End stops for each axis (6 in total)
  • Spindle enable and direction
  • Coolant enable
  • Jumpers to set the Micro-Stepping for the stepper drivers. (Some drivers like the DRV8825 can do up to 1/32 micro-stepping )
  • Stepper Motors can be connected with 4 pin molex connectors.
  • Runs on 12-36V DC.