micro:bit Deluxe Starter Kit

Regular price $99.00

This micro:bit deluxe starter kit comes with the micro:bit controller as well as many sensors and other components to get started with the micro:bit. Most components in the kit are modular based allowing it to be plugged directly into the micro:bit breakout board. This makes it extremely easy to start exploring with the micro:bit without having to worry about soldering.

The BBC micro:bit is a pocket-sized computer that lets you get creative with digital technology. Each order contains just the micro:bit board. You can code, customize and control your micro:bit from anywhere! You can use your micro:bit for all sorts of unique creations, from robots to musical instruments and more. At half the size of a credit card, you will be surprised at the amount of hardware each board is equipped with, including 25 red LED lights that can flash messages. There are two programmable buttons that can be used to control games or pause and skip songs on a playlist. The micro:bit can even detect motion and tell you which direction you’re heading. It can also use Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) to interact with other devices and the Internet.

Kit Includes:

  • 1x micro:bit Starter Board
  • 1x micro:bit Breakout
  • 1x Light Sensor
  • 1x Microwave Sensor
  • 1x Moisture Sensor
  • 1x PIR Motion Sensor
  • 1x IR Proximity Sensor (80cm)
  • 1x Sound Sensor
  • 1x Buzzer
  • 1x DC Motor
  • 1x 9G Micro Servo Motor
  • 1x Liquid Pump
  • 1x Magnetic Switch
  • 1x Latch Switch
  • 1x Relay Module
  • 2x LED Module
  • 1x Linear Potentiometer
  • 1x Real Time Clock Module
  • 1x MOSFET Module