micro:bit 1.8" TFT Display Breakout

Regular price $18.50

This is a 1.8” graphic LCD add-on for the micro:bit. The resolution on the display is 160x128pixels and is capable of displaying 65K colors. This add-on uses the 23LC1024 SRAM which is used as a display cache limiting the “no more memory” problem. The display uses the SPI interface which greatly reduces the amount of I/O required. The backlight is also adjustable using PWM.


  • Operating Voltage: 3.3V
  • Driver: ST7735S
  • Resoulation: 160 x 128pixels
  • Display Color: RGB, 65K colors
  • Dimension: 61mm x 51.5mm

Pin Configuration:

  • VCC ------ 3.3V
  • GND ------ GND
  • MISO ------ P14 (SPI data master input/slave output)
  • MOSI ------ P15 (SPI data master output/slave input)
  • SCK ------ P13 (SPI clock input)
  • LCD_CS ------ P16 (LCD chip selection)
  • RAM_CS ------ P2 (SRAM chip selection)
  • DC ------ P12 (LCD data/command)
  • RST ----- P8 (LCD reset)
  • BL ------ P1 (LCD backlight)
